What is The Meaning of CGPA?

Knowing what is the meaning of CGPA? or how to calculate CGPA is what every student should know.

However, we understand that not all the students have a better knowledge of this.

If you are a student or just got admitted into the university, polytechnic, or even college of education.

It is right for you to know what is the meaning of CGPA?.

Not just with the meaning.

How about you learn how you can confidently calculate your CGPA.

Sound good, right!

In this article, I will take the time to explain what is the meaning of CGPA?.

But keep in mind that the abbreviation has its meaning and that is different from GPA.

What is The Meaning of CGPA?

CGPA simply means Cumulative Grade Point Average.

Your Cumulative Grade point Average (known as “CGPA”) is the average of Grade Points obtained for all semesters and courses completed.

This is obtained and calculated in every completed academic semester for a given academic year.

However, it all depends on your course credit unit, your result grade as well as calculating scale.

What is The GPA?

GPA simply means Grade Point Average. 

Your GPA is obtained from either letter grades or percentages that you obtained from your subjects in a completed semester.

It is also regarded as an overall or general GPA.

This is because it is considered for all courses irrespective of whether it is a departmental course or a borrow course (not your departmental course).

However, you can calculate your GPA by dividing the total number of acquired quality Points by the total number of course units received.

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What Are The Differences Between GPA and CGPA?

The main difference between GPA and CGPA is how it is been calculated.

What it means is, GPA is your grade point obtained in a particular term or semester.

While CGPA is your total average grade point obtained for the total duration of your study.

This is used to determine your honor and where you will be placed.

But both play a vital role in your academic achievement.

This is because without GPA your CGPA cannot be calculated.

What Are The Differences Between CGPA and Percentage?

CGPA is converted to a percentage, and it is not the same when compared.

However, some institutions outside the country (not a Nigerian university) will decide to provide you with a percentage grade point instead of a cumulative grade point.

If you want to convert your CGPA to a percentage you can do that by multiplying it by 9.5.

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How to Calculate CGPA?

To calculate CGPA will depend on your grading point, course unit, and grading scale.

However, I will use the approved grading scale in Nigerian universities which are 5.0 while polytechnic and college of education are 4.0.

Besides, some institutions grading scales can be different from each other.

I will be using the university grading scale to show you how you can calculate your CGPA.

Here is also the Nigerian university grading point.

PercentageGrade LetterGrade Point
70 – 100A5
60 – 69B4
50 – 59C3
45 – 49D2
40 – 44E1
0 -39F0

Now let me just take for instance you had 4 courses to take for the first semester and 6 for the second semester.

Note that you cannot calculate your CGPA with only a semester result but you will only get a GPA with a semester result.

CoursesCourse Unit
Intro. to Physics (PHY 102)2
Use of English (GST 111)3
Advanced Mathematics 1 (MTH 110)3
The element of Economics (EOE 102)3
Total Courses (4)Total courses unit (11)

To calculate your GPA, add up the total course unit (CU) with the quality point (QP) that will be equal to your GPA.

While your CGPA is your first semester GPA add up with your second semester GPA and divide it by 2.

Your output will be your CGPA.

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I believe this article has helped answer what is the meaning of CGPA?.

However, you can as well use this formula in calculating your CGPA in polytechnic and college of education.

But I have questions for you, do you think this article answers your question?

What is your current GPA and CGPA?

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