Swedish Institute Management Programme Northern and Eastern Europe 2022

Applications are now being accepted for the Swedish Institute Management Programme Northern and Eastern Europe 2022, which will take place in Sweden.

Swedish Institute Management Programme

People from different Northern and Eastern European countries come together in an enhanced collaborative environment at the Swedish Institute, where they can co-create solutions between businesses and other sector organizations in your country that have a genuine chance of success. The program was developed by the Swedish Institute and is unique in the world.

You can place sustainability at the core of your strategy and take your leadership to the next level with the Swedish Institute Management Program (SIMP), which provides you with proven tools and information from experts.

Swedish leadership in innovation and sustainable business – as well as the country’s interconnectedness with the rest of the world – serves as the foundation for the initiative.


SIMP Fellows will receive:

  • Detailed knowledge and abilities in sustainable business practices, with a particular emphasis on the protection of human rights, climate change and the environment, decent working conditions, and anti-corruption efforts.
  • In your own organization, you must have the ability and expertise to drive change and support sustainable business practices.
  • Observations on the development of business justifications for sustainability in Sweden, which is one of the world’s leaders in sustainable business practice.
  • The knowledge that will enable you to work with Design Thinking as an approach for developing innovative and long-lasting solutions to challenging challenges is required.
  • Expert coaching that is tailored to the specific demands of your organization as well as your own personal goals.
  • You will have the unique chance to collaborate and interact with colleagues at your own level from numerous different countries, resulting in the development of strong and long-lasting professional networks.
  • Access to the worldwide Swedish Institute alumni network, which is comprised of corporate and government professionals who are dedicated to sustainable business practices and responsible leadership practices.

Swedish Institute Management Programme Requirements

It is possible to submit an application if you are extremely driven to manage your firm sustainably and promote sustainable business practices in your nation, and you have the authority to push strategies across your organization.

Additional information may be found at

  • You are a citizen and resident of one of the following countries: Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden, or Ukraine
  • You were born between 1971 and 1996 and are between the ages of 25 and 50.
  • You have an entrepreneurial attitude and a proven track record of bringing ideas to fruition in your professional life.
  • You are willing to provide your assistance and expertise to other participants and to share your own experiences and information with them.
  • It is clear that you have a good degree of written and spoken English competence.
  • You’ve completed your postsecondary degree.

Program Structure, Format and Timeline

Taking place from May to November in 2022, SIMP Northern and Eastern Europe 2022 is a trade show for northern and eastern European countries.

The curriculum is divided into three modules, each of which will take place in May, September, and November of the following year.

It takes approximately 10 hours per week to complete each module, which includes participation in live online sessions, engagement with pre-recorded material, group assignments, and individual work. Each module lasts between three and six weeks and requires approximately 10 hours per week, including participation in live online sessions, engagement with pre-recorded material, group assignments, and individual work.

In the time between courses, you will be working on your own sustainability project with the assistance of professional coaching and group duties to ensure its success.

  • Module 1: Mondays and Wednesdays 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 May and 1 June at 13-16 CEST (Central European Summer time, i.e. Swedish time)  
  • Module 2: Mondays and Wednesdays 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 September at 13-16 CEST (Central European Summer time) 
  • Module 3: Mondays and Wednesdays 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30 November and 1 December 13-16 CET (Central European time) 

Application for Swedish Institute Management Programme

Filling in the application form online takes about 60 min or more and there is no session saving possibility. Kindly have the following ready before starting to fill out the application: 

  • Passport size photo of yourself  
  • Recommendation letter 
  • CV  

To Apply, Click Here
For More Information: Visit this Page
Deadline: February 13, 2022

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